Meet the Artist - Charlotte Schaupp


Meet Charlotte Schaupp (@pikoandco), a Kona-based sketch artist and creative. We sat down to talk with Charlotte about her creative process, and styling her favorite SORA pieces. 


SORA: We love your work. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Piko + Co: “My home Hawai’i, and its ocean! I find an unexplainable energy whenever I immerse myself in the water. I get this urge to develop artwork that can bring others the very same joy and wonder, and allow the ocean to resonate with them in the same manner as it does with me. As a cathartic means to portray my love for all the beautiful animals I meet in the ocean and highlight their uniqueness, with a dash of education regarding the local and Hawaiian names of all of these fishy friends. It’s slowly morphing into all things ocean and Hawai’i inspired.”


SORA: What advice would you give to someone who is trying to create art into the world?

Piko + Co: “Just do it! I found the hardest part was just starting, so if you have any doubts in your mind like I did, the best feeling is making the jump and just trying your best and letting the world see you! Once you’ve broken that barrier, you can continue to develop your brand and improve as you go. You don’t have to be perfect to start!”


SORA: What are the three most important habits to be a successful entrepreneur?

 Piko + Co: Consistency, follow-through, and reset days. Consistency is super necessary to keep up with your own personal tasks, like ordering materials, making sure you’re being seen marketing-wise, and keeping up with finances. Make sure you’re touching base with all of these aspects at least once a day. Follow-through is important for your customer relationship, make sure you are reliable and dependent seller who can be counted on to respond in a timely manner and provide a trustworthy connection with the people you work with.  And lastly inspiration reset days are SUPER valuable for a creative, so you don’t burn out. Make it a point to immersive yourself in the very environment that brings you the most inspiration and joy to your craft, at least once a week if possible more! Give yourself permission to relax and soak in the enchantment of this environment without any pressure or expectations. I find it brings me clarity in so many aspects of my art.


SORA: What's your favorite aspect of starting Piko+Co.?

Piko + Co: It is hands-down the work-life-balance. The ability to make my own schedule. I find the flexibility it has given to my day to day has brought me so much more fulfillment in all aspects of my life. I can choose when to sit down and grind, and then take a necessary step back when I know it’s needed. I don’t feel like a slave to a schedule and in turn don’t feel the nagging expectations of someone else’s needs weighing me down. I have the freedom to work hard, but also give myself room to breathe. And when I do work, the work is so much more fulfilling than any other type work I have done, as it provides me a purpose and reason to keep doing what I love.”





Charlotte is wearing the Wana Earrings, Island Charm Pendant, the Mahina Ring, and the 'Awapuhi Pendant 

Learn more about Piko + Co. here

Meet the Artist - Charlotte Schaupp
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